Abby Callas
The concept and theme of my photo series stems from age, more specifically the insecurities and societal expectations surrounding different age groups. For children, there seems to be an avid, almost rabid, desire to grow up, enamored with the idea that real life doesn’t start until you’re an adult. It makes sense, really, with the societal idea and impression that “true freedom” is associated with age—voting, driving, drinking alcohol, smoking, legally
being an adult, and more. But fast-forwarding one’s life as a child to an adult, or at least desperately attempting to, means missing out on a period of growth and self-discovery that allows them to become a good adult. This series aims to present that desire fulfilled—a child as an adult, engaging in adult activities—but with one catch; what’s blatant in each photo is not how adult the child appears, but how child-like they really are. How, despite their best efforts, their true age is on display.