I was inspired to create this workshop based off of my own experience photographing a series titled The Stages of Grief for my AP Studio Portfolio in 2018. Throughout developing my series, I learned a lot about myself and what I had been through. I thought that if I could give other people an opportunity to do the same by focusing on a part of their identity or an experience that they’ve had, then it would be beneficial for them as well.
While researching photography series, I was influenced by the works of Denisse Ariana Perez (n.d.) and Laetitia Ky (2020). They both have created series based off of social identities, specifically race and gender. By noting how they weaved these themes into visual representations, I was better able to communicate how to do so. When teaching my students how to create a series, I taught them to focus on theme, subject, color/lighting, and composition. Perez’s and Ky’s work also helped me broach the topic of identity and how it affects us in our daily lives but also our art.
In order to prepare my students for the creation of their series, I led a lecture each week that focused on a different aspect of photography. Lecture topics included how to use camera settings, an introduction to Photoshop, portraiture photography, landscape photography, still life photography, and more. After each presentation, students would take photographs relating to what they learned in order to practice their skills. The next week, students would engage in a class critique of their work so that they could practice giving and receiving feedback. Additional discussions surrounding the students’ experiences photographing as well as conversations about identity were also implemented.
Audience & Impact
When considering the audience for my students’ exhibit, I could not pinpoint a specific population. Since each one of my students got to pick their own theme based on their identity and experiences, anyone who views the exhibition should be able to relate to at least one idea showcased. If not, hopefully they can still feel inspired, maybe even enough to create their own series. I was certainly inspired by seeing my students’ series come to life. I hope that they were able to learn a lot about photography and also themselves. I’m honored that I was able to facilitate their creations.
Perez, D., A. (n.d.). Men and Water [Digital photography]. Retrieved from https://denissearianaphotography.com/Men-and-Water-I
Ky, Laetitia. (2020). [Digital photography]. Retrieved from https://www.instagram.com/laetitiaky/?hl=en
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Harold and Heather for helping my workshop come to life. Their guidance and feedback were instrumental in helping me stay focused and confident throughout the process. I would like to thank my TA, Kate, for aiding me in the workshop and for always having my back. Finally, I greatly appreciate the support from my family, boyfriend, and friends. Thank you for always listening to me and motivating me.