Serena Kemp
Hurt is a series meant to depict the different feelings associated with anxiety. The photos all possess a muted and grey appetence that is meant to replicate the feeling of emptiness and dullness of life. Similarly, all the photos in this series are dark to express the lack of hope that accompanies overwhelming stress. The image titled “Coping” depicts the subject surrounded by pills, money, and other objects associated with coping mechanisms for anxiety. The subject’s emotionless expression is meant to assert how these coping methods numb the person and often don’t lead to happiness. The Image entitled “Drowning" symbolizes the overwhelming and inescapable characteristics of anxiety. The subject is screaming to be let out and is completely surrounded by water that symbolizes the anxiety. The final image entitled “Isolated” is the darkest of the series. It shows the subject weighed down and alone. This symbolizes the tendency to isolate oneself that accompanies anxiety.